Thursday 12 February 2009

Task 1.1 - Preliminary Storyboard

As well as action scenes, we decided to explore the 180 degree rule. It involved the protagoonist walking into a room and the protagonist walking out of a room and using the 180 degree rule with a conversation being said over a table.

The synopsis is the protagonist is angry after his daughter has been taken hostage by the antagonist. The stressed protagonist is waling briskly to find the antagonist and finds him in a room on his own. He comes rushing in and asks where his daughter is. The antagonist is calm and composed and asks the protagonist to take a seat. The antagonist asks for the protagonist to do one last job for him and then he can have his daughter back. The protagonist accepts this but is worried about the task ahead.

In our short sequence, we felt no high amount of action should be taking place and wanted to show that we can manintain and obey the 180 degree rule. Our storyboard was used as a guide on how to make our preliminary film but we lacked a variety of shots.