Sunday 25 April 2010


We spent no money at all on our film and I think this challenges the conventions of a real product because many football hooligan films contain a lot of violence and often have a voiceover and I believe our film has done this because we created the violence with the use of blood capsules when Shane hits Harry and the voiceover is used effectively to give a brief description of what will happen in the film and this is similar to The Football Factory. We also created 1980s style music and felt this would also challenge the conventions of a hooligan film because many hooligan films such as I.D and Away Days are based around the 1980s and this is the kind of music which is often heard. We also made a lot of cuts in our film to build up the pace of the film and this is common in all hooligan films. We had a wide variety of shots but would have been more effective if we used point of view shots s this is also common in a real football hooligan media product.

I feel our film represents a social group who live in working class areas and are often unemployed. Another social group is also football fans, particularly those who support Dover or Folkestone as they are involved in this film. This film also represents people who live in urban areas and people who are bored with work and have nothing else to do than fight because they may live in a deprived area where there is little to do.

I feel an independent film company would distribute our film and we would have filmed professionally in a small studio. The problem is theis small studio is not capable of promoting our film to the audience or shops because of the high costs involved. We would have to give our film to a company that distributes films or some form of advertising with little costs which can attract the attention of our desired audience. We are currently planning to show our film over the web via YouTube for free so people across the world are able to view our film.

The audience for our media product are likely to be people who like football or people who enjoy watching action films. Our audience is also based on where people and would attract people mainly people from Folkestone or Dover because these teams are involved in the film. We want to try and attract as many people as possible and we decided to lower the age rating from 18 to 15 because we want younger people to watch our film too. We will also edit our trailers carefully so there are many genres involved such as action, hooliganism, romance, drama and crime/gangsters. We would also use translations so people are able to watch our film worldwide and would use subtitles for people who are deaf.

Our target market for this film is big and the way we attract this large target audience is through advertising. We would have to use trailers and advertise them on the main television channels such as BBC 1 and ITV 1. We would also have a premier viewing and the use of celebrities walking down a red carpet to watch our film will also attract our target audience. This premier screening and the use of celebrities could also be shown on news channels which would attract more viewers because so many people watch the news. We also plan to advertise on various billboards nationwide and even globally to attract an even bigger audience and we would also advertise our film on poplular websites such as YouTube where advertisements now show when the video is still playing. We have made our film specifically so our audience can relate to the characters. The audince can relate to the main character, the son of Folkestones firm leader, Harry, who is a bit of a 'jack-the-lad', a very cocky and flash young man.

We have learnt a lot from the technologies used to create the media product. We have learnt to how put clips in order and how to edit them. We put the uploaded clips in the correct and then did a voiceover after this. We did the vocieover after because we know what we could talk about by putting the clips in the right order first. We did the tiles first and then put the music in after this. The music fiited perfectly with our titles hinting there is a 1980s theme, when hooliganism was at its peak.

Looking back on our reliminary task, I felt our group have learnt a lot from our preliminary task. To begin with, we did our preliminary task and we were quite limited with what shots we did. We mainly did the 180 degree rule with over the shoulder shots. For our main task, we had more freedom with our shots and weren't restricted with what we could do. We got good feedback for our evaluation but there was also some criticism such as 'a lot of wasted space at times' and 'exaggeartion of the 180 degree rule'. For our main film, we worked on the wasted space and how we could eliminate the wasted space. This is shown when Harry gets punched in the alley way by Alex and Shane and is also shown when Harry goes up to Alex and Shane and shouts 'Oi, soppy bollocks!' There were some errors in our film. We did not want the camera to shake as much but could not help this as we were not allowed to use a tripod within Folkestone Invicta's ground.

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